Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training
Joining the Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training? There are five principles components you will be working with:

1. Kriya and Meditation: The Foundation of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan®
The theory and practice of Kundalini Yoga kriyas (yoga sets), asanas, and mudras. Explore the nature of the mind and its training through Kundalini Yoga meditations, mantras, and pranayam (breathing techniques).
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2. Humanology and Philosophy: The Lifestyle of a Kundalini Yoga Teacher
The history and tradition of Kundalini Yoga, as well as the underlying philosophy behind all yogic practices. The technologies of Kundalini Yoga as they apply to healing and humanology (the science of daily living), including diet, nutrition, and relationships.
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3. Anatomy & Physiology: The Essentials of Spiritual and Western Anatomy
Traditional Western anatomy, its purpose and function, including the respiratory, nervous, immune, musculoskeletal, circulatory, endocrine, and digestive systems and their relation to the practice and teaching of yoga. Also Yogic anatomy and the energy systems of the body including the chakras, nadis, pranas and vayus, and the ten yogic bodies.
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4. Consciousness of a Teacher: The Virtues and Values of Living in the Golden Chain
The skills and techniques to become an effective instructor, including practical strategies for teaching beginners, ethical guidelines, curriculum development, and the transformational role of the teacher in developing a successful yoga practice.
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5.The Practicum: Teaching on Day One
Practical experience instructing a yoga class under the supervision of a KRI Yoga Teacher Trainer, receiving written evaluation and student feedback.
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Kriya & Meditation
The Foundation of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan®

Learn the theory and practice of Kundalini Yoga Kriyas & Meditations:

  • Kriya: Understand the nature of kriya – the completed action – and its application to Kundalini Yoga, your life cycles, and more
  • Asana: Divine Alignment and the Science of Angles and Triangles as applied to Kundalini Yoga Postures
  • Pranayam: The Science and Technology of Breath using Breath Retention and the Body’s Bandhas, Breath of Fire, One Minute Breath, Sitali Pranayam and more
  • Drishti: Dharana, or Concentration, and the Benefits of Eye Focus. The Third Eye, Lotus Point, Moon Center and more
  • Mudra: Experience the Qualities of the Different Hand Positions. Gyan, Buddhi, Shuni, and Ravi Mudras as well as Venus Lock and their Relationship to Mastering the Elements
  • Naad: The Power of Sound and Mantra to Raise the Kundalini and Serve the Consciousness in the Aquarian Age
  • Meditation: Experience Dozens of Meditations to Incorporate into Your Daily Kundalini Yoga Practice


Humanology and PhilosophyThe Lifestyle of a Kundalini Yoga Teacher 

Understand the history and tradition of Kundalini Yoga, as well as the underlying philosophy and concepts that make up the yogic tradition.

  • The Good Life: Don’t drink, don’t smoke, what do you do? The disciplined life of a Teacher.
  • Sadhana: The foundation of our lifestyle. Experience the practice of yoga and meditation before the sun rises.
  • Shakti and Bhakti: Empowering your practice and surrendering through service.
  • Good Eats: How to live as a vegetarian—and love it!
  • What does it mean to be a woman in the Aquarian Age? A man?
  • Yogic Philosophy and the Aquarian Age: Applying Ancient Wisdom in Contemporary Times. How to live as an aware, awakened being.


Anatomy & PhysiologyThe Essentials of Yogic and Western Anatomy

Explore the purpose and function of the body’s systems and how they support the practice of Kundalini Yoga and the Lifestyle of a Yogi:

  • Digestive System: What’s the definition of Good Digestion? What are the components of Good Digestion? What’s the role of good digestion in your health and the health of your students?
  • Respiratory System: How do the various pranayamas affect the chemical make-up of the blood? What’s the effect of respiration on the nervous system and vice versa?
  • Nervous System: How does Kundalini Yoga strengthen the autonomic, motor and sympathetic nervous systems? What is the role of Meditation on the mind, the endocrine system and the nerves?
  • Endocrine System: What’s the role of the glands in maintaining good health? How does the chakra system inform and strengthen the glandular system? What kriyas and meditations support the glands? What’s the endocrine system’s role in immunity?
  • Musculoskeletal System: Learn how the muscles, bones, ligaments and others supporting tissues work together to keep us upright and moving through the world. Develop the right cues so that you can help your students find their best possible pose.
  • The 10 Bodies: What are they and how do they inform your yoga practice and teaching?
  • Nadis, Vayus, and Chakras: The basics of Yogic Anatomy and how they work through with the breath, the movement of energy and the awakening of the Self.
  • Integration: How do the Western and Yogic anatomy systems work together to support our understanding of health and the body’s functions?


Your Role as a Teacher
The Virtues and Values of a Teacher (Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training)

Learn the roles and responsibilities as well as the skills and techniques of an effective instructor of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan®.

  • Practical Techniques for Teaching Beginners
  • Ethical Guidelines for Teachers
  • Curriculum Development: Workshops, Series, and Applied Environments
  • The Consciousness of a Teacher and the Path of Service

 “I came here to explore something in myself that I didn’t quite understand. I leave here knowing I am a Teacher – that I have always been a Teacher – and that destiny begins today!”

The Practicum
Kundalini Yoga Teacher TrainingTeaching on Day One

Well—almost day one! Develop an appreciation and understanding of yoga from a teacher’s perspective and experience teaching—with peer groups for feedback and encouragement—throughout the course.

  • Practice teaching Kundalini Yoga Kriyas and Meditation in small groups under the guidance of Senior Teachers and Trainers
  • Receive feedback from Practicum